Tag Archives: vegetarian

Food, Bliss.

So we’re still at this hostel in Antigua. Every day is full of really fascinating aspects of the city. To the south, there is this gigantic dormant volcano looming over the town. It’s a big surprise when you turn a corner, and there’s this gigantic mountain that you’d forgotten about. It’s massive, but it just adds to the beauty of this area.

The food is fantastic here. We’ve eaten at a few places so far, and we’re kind of impartial to them, but outside of the downtown core there are a some little bar/restaurants where ex-pats hang out and get drunk. The food is really cheap and really good there, a decent meal that fills me up costs about 25Q which is around $4.30 US. And if it fills me up it’ll fill you up, because my teenage appetite is monstrous. I’m so busy eating and wandering around that I’m having trouble writing and posting. I’m trying though.

Something I’ve been thinking about lately is that food is a pretty big part of my life. I don’t think foodie is really the right term to describe my devotion. I’m more of a food-ist. Or food-ish. It’s another one of those things I consider to be my zen. Along with longboarding, dishwashing, and hanging out in airports. I love buying the food, carrying it home in my red backpack, quietly chopping the veggies and putting together the meal. Eating it isn’t even the best part. Just the process. Over time I’ve gotten pretty okay at it. I have a few recipes that I can rely on consistently. Most importantly, my Chili. I’ve been a vegetarian my whole life, so everything I make is always meat-less. If I can’t prepare my own food, or even choose what I’m eating, it makes me really unhappy for some reason. At summer camps especially, I always had trouble because you couldn’t make your own food, or even choose what you would eat that day. Making my own food is a big part of my life, and Chili is my zen. At least here I can choose what I eat. And the meals are simple.

Another day in Antigua, then to Lake Atitlan for two weeks (hopefully). More posts on the way for sure.

Thanks for reading,
