Tag Archives: Renovations

Renovations, Cats, Longboarding.

This post, I’m going to do what I refer to as inward blogging. Where instead of posting cool things that I’ve found, or my thoughts on a particular matter, I’m going to talk about me. Because I’ve been blogging about stuff for a little while and it might be a good idea to talk about my life a little. But not in a boring way. I promise.

So I’ve slowed down on my posts recently because I’ve had to be out of my apartment for three days while some contractors do repair work from water damage. I’ve been staying at my mother’s house and have been taking up my time by listening to music and checking if The Pirate Bay is still down (their servers were raided by the Swedish police on Monday and they’ve been recuperating ever since).

Before we vacated the apartment, my dad and I had to find accommodation for my cat. So I went online and immediately found ‘Kathy’s Cat Care’. It’s basically a hotel for cats. I talked to her on the phone and she was this quaint older cat lady who had converted part of her house into kitty condos. And she just takes care of cats all day. Dream job right there.

Other than that, I’ve been longboarding a lot. And not just recently. It’s basically my biggest passion, and I’ve devoted countless hours to learning about it. I’m considering putting up a longboarding page on this blog so that people who are interested in that kind of thing can get a personal opinion about a lot of the products and brands out there, and personal advice. In the past week I have augmented my board with bearing spacers and self setting rubber, completely disassembled ever component of my setup, and de-greased, cleaned, and re-lubricated my bearings. All that took about ten hours of work. I fucking love this stuff.

Blogging about myself makes me seriously uncomfortable, so I’m going to wrap this up by saying that more posts are in the works. Stay tuned.
