Tag Archives: longboards

We Fit Our Lives Into A 10×10 Box

Well, today was moving day. And everything went flawlessly. My dad and I had nowhere to put our stuff for the month, so we moved the entire apartment into a storage unit that was, you guessed it, 10 feet by 10 feet. I’m camping out at my mother’s house until Tuesday, then it’s time to go.

It finally feels like the loop is breaking.

Every morning for the past two months, I have woken up to the same view out of my bedroom window. The same grey parking lot and the same noises of parents dragging their whiny children down the stairs and off to school. Eventually, the mornings just blend together into this messy soup of memory that I can only vaguely piece together. It’s the same feeling as when a record skips, and just plays the same two seconds of the song looped. The singer’s voice says the same word over and over again. But after a while, it doesn’t even sound like a human voice anymore, just this looped sound. The music looses it’s purpose. And the same goes for the past two months. The days merged, they flew by, and after a while, they didn’t seem like days anymore. Just these vague purposeless moments. And I am happy beyond belief that I might have some chance to give my days purpose again.

I’m only going to say this once.

Peace, Nanaimo. It’s been fun.

Anyways, I’ve been putting off posting this for a while, and I want to get it up, and stop reminding myself to post it. I frequent the Longboarding SubReddit, where I do all my Longboarding things online, and somebody posted this video. After careful deliberation, I have decided that this is probably my favourite YouTube video of all time. You can apply it to whatever you want. The words will still mean the same thing.

Sorry for the rambling, indirect post. I’m a mess right now and trying to keep up with my life. But I will post whenever I can in the next three days. I won’t forget.

The amount of people who have followed this blog doubled after my last post, so thank you for taking my advice. I’m a terrible self-promoter and a brutally self-conscious blogger, so having people read what I post means a lot to me. If you enjoy what I do, please encourage someone you know who might like this kind of thing to check my blog out. And that’s all I have to say about that.

I dismantled an apartment today and it’s already the 29th. I’m going to bed.


Renovations, Cats, Longboarding.

This post, I’m going to do what I refer to as inward blogging. Where instead of posting cool things that I’ve found, or my thoughts on a particular matter, I’m going to talk about me. Because I’ve been blogging about stuff for a little while and it might be a good idea to talk about my life a little. But not in a boring way. I promise.

So I’ve slowed down on my posts recently because I’ve had to be out of my apartment for three days while some contractors do repair work from water damage. I’ve been staying at my mother’s house and have been taking up my time by listening to music and checking if The Pirate Bay is still down (their servers were raided by the Swedish police on Monday and they’ve been recuperating ever since).

Before we vacated the apartment, my dad and I had to find accommodation for my cat. So I went online and immediately found ‘Kathy’s Cat Care’. It’s basically a hotel for cats. I talked to her on the phone and she was this quaint older cat lady who had converted part of her house into kitty condos. And she just takes care of cats all day. Dream job right there.

Other than that, I’ve been longboarding a lot. And not just recently. It’s basically my biggest passion, and I’ve devoted countless hours to learning about it. I’m considering putting up a longboarding page on this blog so that people who are interested in that kind of thing can get a personal opinion about a lot of the products and brands out there, and personal advice. In the past week I have augmented my board with bearing spacers and self setting rubber, completely disassembled ever component of my setup, and de-greased, cleaned, and re-lubricated my bearings. All that took about ten hours of work. I fucking love this stuff.

Blogging about myself makes me seriously uncomfortable, so I’m going to wrap this up by saying that more posts are in the works. Stay tuned.


The Art Of Andreas Pries

I’m not normally appreciative of art.

It’s not that I can’t see that lots of work was put into a piece, I just have trouble figuring out the art. I have trouble letting it sink in.

So I was on the website of this longboard company, ‘Landyachtz’. From whom I have bought two boards so far, and I was looking at the design on my newest deck, and there was a link on that page to the artist who made the graphic. So I checked it out and was totally blown away by how fucking awesome this man’s art is. Just the technical skill that went into the pieces. I stole a few images from his site and I’ll provide a link at the bottom. Check it out.








Here’s a link to his Website.
