Tag Archives: live free or die longboarding

The Plan

For the past few weeks, I have spent a ton of my free time researching for a project. Not a single detail has been overlooked. The same way when you’re planning a bank heist, you count the number of steps on the staircase, or the dietary restrictions of one of the tellers. Nothing has been overlooked. I’m going to use my birthday and Christmas to finance the purchase of a new longboard. Every piece will be bought separately  then they’ll come together the same way a symphony comes together at the finale of a masterpiece.

Skating has been in my life in one way or another since I was 5 or 6. I have been longboarding since I was about twelve, and then shit got serious. It is probably the funnest thing I’ve even done. The reason I’m getting (financing) a new one, is because I want to move into street skating more, having done a ton of pintail-cruising and more recently, freeriding. Let me lay out the plan.

I will purchase the most expensive part, myself. The deck will be a Landyachtz Ripple Ridge.

The trucks will be asked for for Christmas. I’ll have them shipped to Livermore because the company is located in California and I’ll be there just after the holidays. They’ll be Independent 169’s.

I’ll also ask for the wheels for Christmas, because they’re made by Abec11, a classic California company. They’ll be the 60mm NOskoolZ in 78a.

The bearings, however, are small enough to take with me to California (where assembly will happen), so I’ll ask for them for my birthday. They’ll be the Zealous bearings. With built-in spacers and speedrings (thank the fucking lord).

When I get back to BC I’ll re-grip the board with vicious griptape so that it stays grippy in the rain. I’m not getting paid somehow by these companies to put links in my blog to their products. I just thought linking to them would make it more realistic and not just hot air.

Anyways, it’s still a while until I can put the plan into action, and I still need the cash to buy the board. Many dishwashing shifts lie ahead. 
