Tag Archives: boredom

Earthquakes, Elections, And Hippie Bars.

So yesterday, there was an earthquake.

A fairly big one.


I mean, it was off the coast of Guatemala, but we totally felt it here. The quake was like a 4.0 at least. At its epicentre, it was an estimated 7.5. Pretty powerful. I was eating lunch during my time at the language school where I’m learning Spanish  And then the earth just starts shaking, and the roof is creaking, and everybody is freaking out and running out of the building. It wasn’t powerful to cause any serious damage to the building I was in. But I’m pretty sure some of the ones that were built poorly got trashed. Anyways. It was totally rad. Or so I thought, until I found out a ton of people died.

Two nights ago, was the US Presidential Election. I didn’t really care until it was actually happening, then I kind of thought about how high the stakes were, seeing as a new president wasn’t the only thing Americans were voting for.

I waited it out in the best establishment ever. For real. This place is called Buddha Bar. It’s a three story bar/restaurant with really cheap food and lax ID checking. All the seats are padded with corduroy pillows, with really comfortable backrests and mood lighting. I love it so so much. So much. Anyways, I hung out there for two hours copying the Chinese version of the ingredients list from a bottle of Sriracha Sauce.

I’m really liking it here in San Pedro (La Laguna). A lot.
