Tag Archives: bears

Back In The Land Of Bacon And Bears

I have a headache.

I’m wearing the gorilla slippers.

Let’s blog.


The funny thing about having a long day of travel, is that the time between waking up in the morning in one country and falling asleep in another feels like a month. It felt like that on Thursday when my Dad and I flew home from Guatemala. Our itinerary was exactly the same as our trip there. Guatemala City – Houston – Vancouver. The only difference was that we didn’t have to stay for 7 hours in Texas. Thank god. The accents were starting to jackhammer their way into my subconscious. By that, I mean I would start dreaming in a Texan accent or something, my psyche is generally good at doing stupid things like that.

I was happy to be home, in a weird sort of way. The grey skies and overcast weather can get old pretty fast, as can the chilly temperatures, but this is where I’m from. It’s my home climate. Central America treated me well, but it’s time to get my life rolling again.

I guess I’m obliged to do some sort of reflection. Some conclusion that “Guatemala is a nice country, with some rough spots”. One would imagine that it’s the least I can do, seeing as I allegedly had such a fantastic time there.https://i0.wp.com/i.imgur.com/83qvL.gif

I did have a great time there, but I’m not going to write this entire post about it. I think there’s some value in giving an incomplete picture of a place. Knowing a lot about somewhere can make it seem less interesting in your head, you don’t really think of it as an adventure if somebody else, especially someone you know, has already been there. Guatemala was one of the few countries I didn’t know a lot about. That was one of the reasons I was more receptive to the idea of going.

I know it sounds like a bad excuse, but the mystery of going somewhere is sometimes what drives the going. Also, I’m lazy and tired and jet lagged. To make things up to you, I’ve uploaded all of the photos I took into an Imgur album which can be viewed here.

Anyways. It’s the 1st of a new month. Which basically means it’s time to put my nose to the grindstone. I’ve been setting my self up mentally for this month to be my make-as-much-money-as-you-can month. And spending time with family. I have to do that as well. But yes, money. For various reasons, including the fact that I need to pay for a lot of my trip to Turkey, and that I need to pay for the laptop with which I am currently writing this post.

RambleRambleRamble I’m going to go have a post-dinner snack.
