Guatemalan Plans And What’s Happening When I Get Back

In ten days, I’m getting on a ferry off the island to Vancouver. Then I’m meeting up with my dad in Vancity and we’re staying at a hotel that night. The next morning we fly from Vancouver airport to Houston, and then to Guatemala City. I really have no idea what will be happening after the first few days in Antigua, an old colonial city near the capital. But I will have internet access, and I will be blogging. I’m planning on doing two posts per week that are updates on what’s going, plus whatever content I can come up with.

The other day, I was is Victoria, and I managed to talk my old boss into letting me work for the month of December, I’m planning on making a large amount of cash in as short a time as possible. I’m a dishwasher, so it’ll be sweet to get back into dish Kung Fu. I have my old job back. YES!

Anyways, last week I applied to a trip to Turkey. The organization, Unschool Adventures, is run by my friend Blake Boles. Next year, 15-20 Homeschoolers/Unschoolers will travel all around turkey, visiting ancient monuments, and experiencing the culture. I was one of the first people to apply, so I have a fair chance of being accepted, and I’m psyched. But it’s a tad expensive, so I’m going to have to work a lot over the next six months to make it happen. A good challenge, I think. Something worth working for. The link to UA’s website can be found here.

I have to get going. I have a squash lesson in 45 minutes, and no ride, so I have to skate there. Squash is a sport for bored white people, I know. But I fall under that categorization anyway, so I’m all good.

I’ll post plenty before I leave the country. Check often to stay updated.





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